Ya Allah.. tetapkan hati-hati kami teguh di jalan yang benar.. jalan yang Engkau redhai.. Tabahkanlah hati-hati ini tatkala diuji dengan mehnah tanpa hati.. Agar hati-hati ini tidak tersingkir dalam penapisan yang dilaksanakan.. kan tiba di pengakhiran yang menjadi impian hati.. bertemuMu bersama di taman syurga Firdausi

Sunday 13 May 2007


aSSalaMUalaykum wBt...


toDAy is a GR8 daY...Allah giVEs me tHE oPP to chaLLenge the lImiT of mySelf. n alHamduliLLah wiTh heLP frOm somE of the SisTErs...i Am noW eliGIblE to......(hehehe...guEss what??) soMEthinG thaT i lOoooooOOOongEddd to dO...alHAmduliLLah....i aM now a "begiNnER of tHIs neW skiLL....hehehe...hMMm...and aM noW aDDicted to it.....

anyWays...muhSinaat's sisTeRS....i aM veRy....veRY.....veRy....(noT reAlly acTually) disaPPointed as no One of U guYS wAS theRE...anywaYS...hoPE to c aLL of uS in The coMIng gamEs...=)
saLah saTu cirI musLim....sihAt tuBUH baDAn..hMMm...AJK riAdaH...plS takE noTE....

hMMm...talKing boUt chAllenging oUR LimIt...soMetimEs kiTa raSe we've doNE our beSt...we've doNe a LOt....buT hv we eveR tried to pUsh OUr selF haRder?? aDAkaH kiTA berAda di taHAp yaNg seleSa?? adAKah kiTA meRAsaKAn sudAH tiaDA laGI tahaP yanG leBih tiNGgi fRom ape YaNg kITE raSakan sekArang...muhASaBAh diRIi.....

dAlaM keAdaan YAng kiAn menGHAmpiRI fiNAl xMs...kiTe pasTi terKejaR2, stRuGGLE aLL oUT maKing OuR beSt prePAration for thaT 3hRS....2HRS papeRS...BUT jGN lUpakaN/aBaikan oUR biG FINAL eXAm....i.e. pReAPraTIOn to mEET al-KhAliQ...
tetApkan DiRi iNI meNyerU kePAdaMu yA RAbbkU.....

yAkInlAh diRI... O YOu wHO BElieVE! iF U heLP in The couRse of AllAH, He wIll heLp U, n mAke uR fOOthoLD FIRM. (47:7)

oUcH...mY aDDucTor maGnuS n gasTRocNEMIus stArts to aCHE....hehHEHE...

jazaKumUallAhU khaIRan kHAtHIRan...fOR tHE whiShes...saYang fiLLAh....


p/S lIKE mY tYpInG???...hihihiHIhi..


- N - said...

dah bole naik basikal ke???

h_v said...

aiyoo..i dont think i can read the inconsistent type writing.. (@_@)

btw.. i think our AJK AKTIVITi/RIADAH! syorkan any kind of activities except riadah..hihi

x kire ker klu gi class nek beskal? riadah per tu, b4 n after class.. sihat2.. hihi

iLoveGreen said...

mintak maap ye pemusafir.weekend ms de activity tu mmgla sgt busy wt ktorg.extra workloads yg kene submit.jgn keciwa eh.uhuu.ktorg kene wt repot,tp kalo stkt stdy je,iA ktorg (?)ermm.ermm...iA sy akan pegi.provided ade org amikk.jauh sgtla makcikk =p

umm_hurairah said...

ajk riadhah tu...sapela yg lantikkk? :P

myself said...

yg pasti bukan lantik diri sendiri... ngehehehe! kena ke riadah ramai2 ni? i rimas la :P ... hihi! since cam ramai bz je lately, what if kta tangguhkan riadah kita time cuti nanti ... but make sure it is b4 cik -n- and cpj pulang ke zimbabwe... heheheh! sape stuju angkat tangan ... :D

h_v said...

bagus2, sy x yah pegi la
sbb x habis exam lagi
korg je la gi riadah
sy hbs lepas cik-N- n cikgu PJ balik..
semua kena masak utk sy, sbb sy hbs lmbt..wajib.. hihi

myself said...

nak wat b4 diorg blek sbb nak sume involve... xpe2... kte cari satu date baru... any suggestion post here ya :D

h_v said...

cmtu, sehari before bukak 2nd sem

h_v said...

klu nk wat before diorg balik, after exam, x sempt..seriousLY

- N - said...

ala...xpela korg je la riadah...
cik -n- ni dh ari2 riadah g uni =)

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
Iman mempunyai 60 lebih cabang. Malu adalah salah satu cabang iman. (Riwayat al-Bukhari).

Whats ur Mood Today?

Whats ur Mood Today?
Ingatlah Allah, hati kan tenang
