Ya Allah.. tetapkan hati-hati kami teguh di jalan yang benar.. jalan yang Engkau redhai.. Tabahkanlah hati-hati ini tatkala diuji dengan mehnah tanpa hati.. Agar hati-hati ini tidak tersingkir dalam penapisan yang dilaksanakan.. kan tiba di pengakhiran yang menjadi impian hati.. bertemuMu bersama di taman syurga Firdausi

Monday 9 April 2007


The wrong things that we have done towards Allah, will be forgiven undoubtedly by Him if we truly repent as He is The Most Forgiving of all.

The wrong things that we have done towards others, are not as easy coz before the one that we've hurt does not forgive us, our Lord will not do so.

So, here i'm taking the advantage to ask forgiveness from everyone, whether i do know you well or not, or happen to meet u by chance. All i'm asking is forgive my wrong doings towards all of u.


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Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
Iman mempunyai 60 lebih cabang. Malu adalah salah satu cabang iman. (Riwayat al-Bukhari).

Whats ur Mood Today?

Whats ur Mood Today?
Ingatlah Allah, hati kan tenang
