Ya Allah.. tetapkan hati-hati kami teguh di jalan yang benar.. jalan yang Engkau redhai.. Tabahkanlah hati-hati ini tatkala diuji dengan mehnah tanpa hati.. Agar hati-hati ini tidak tersingkir dalam penapisan yang dilaksanakan.. kan tiba di pengakhiran yang menjadi impian hati.. bertemuMu bersama di taman syurga Firdausi

Sunday, 16 March 2014

in the name of The All Mighty God.. Allah SWT..

it has been a while since ive written anything here..

well, not been a 'while',,

it has been months, almost a year..

to rephrase it as ...;

"days passes by...

months crept in and fly..

years come to swept all in the blink of eyes..

and now, without we realise, how we grow to tie.."

Well, honestly, let me just say, how i'm glad that some of use
have choose their path a step further..

to continue to be part of the Doctorate team..

or decided to grow their paths to enlarge their own kin..

hope they all are going well

& at the same time strengthen the bond with The One that never stop giving all His blessings..

recently. or currently there are an incident which had affected not just to this country,

but it has burst worldwide concern..  attention..

im pretty sure everyone knew bout whats currrently bursting out of each media..

it's no other than the vanished aircraft into the thin air..

which until this very moment is yet to be known of its whereabouts..

"O Lord, O Allah.. please ease the mind & hearts of those who had boarded the flight's families.. "

i'm not the best person to say it, but, I believe He knows best the reason He choose the plane to vanish & yet to reappear and be founs ..

Do believe in Him as He is certainly bestowing the best for what is occuring.. and had He reminded us in His verse ..
"....Perhaps you hate/dislike a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.." (2:216)

&  one of the way for use to face His tests as what He had laid for us.. "

"and seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah ]" (2:45)

I know the 'victims' will say it seem simple enough for the outside people to say 'patience' continuously..

but we just had to keep trust in Him, and it might be the Test that will show whether one really fullfilling what a person promised to Him..

and all that we should all keep on praying & supplicating to Allah Ta'ala for the safety of all the individuals in the vanished airplane..

& for their family members be strong and to accept of whatever He destined it to be..

-till we meet again, insyaAllah-
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
Iman mempunyai 60 lebih cabang. Malu adalah salah satu cabang iman. (Riwayat al-Bukhari).

Whats ur Mood Today?

Whats ur Mood Today?
Ingatlah Allah, hati kan tenang
